Welcome to Green Zone
In our Green Zone we have pupils in KS3 and KS4. From time to time, we have transitioned KS2 pupils (year 6) to Green Zone because of their stage. We have five groups in the Green Zone with no more than 6 pupils in each class. Groups follow a KS3 or KS4 curriculum.
All of our ‘Zones’ enable pupils to make progress over time and become confident individuals, who will then be able to leave school prepared for adulthood, both socially, emotionally, and academically. The structure also allows us to transition children between zones with minimum disruption to progression.
We are a ‘Thrive’ school. Thrive is a whole-school approach, supporting the ‘right-time’ social and emotional development of all children and young people. ‘Thrive’ helps pupils to become more emotionally resilient and better placed to engage with life and learning.
The ‘Thrive’ approach is embedded across the school enabling us to measure the progress of pupils’ emotional development and social skills. Thrive one to one sessions are timetabled for pupils who need them.