We introduced Thrive to Talbot House in 2017. Initially, we assess our pupils on entry through our Thrive Practitioners, Ian and Owen. Once assessed we can put in place the targets and strategies generated from the assessment. This allows us to plan one-to-one sessions to deliver intervention to the pupils.
As a school we have adopted the ‘Thrive Approach’, our practitioners deliver CPD to staff half termly, ensuring staff are well informed about why it is used, and how it benefits pupils.
Thrive is now established across the whole school. Staff are taught the importance of using the ‘Thrive approach’ throughout all lessons and in using the Vital Relational Functions (VRF’s):
Attune with a pupil
Validate their feelings
Contain their emotions
Soothe them
Our staff also understand the importance of using PACE in their interactions with pupils. – being Playful, Accepting, Curious, and Empathic. We ask our team to remember these key points, in every engagement with our children.